
Instructor Information


I started learning about computer graphics as a sophomore at Smith College in 2001. In my first class I learned the very basics of Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, and Quark Express. In later classes I learned other multimedia computer programs such as Macromedia Flash, Adobe Pagemaker, Macintosh imovie and Final Cut Pro.

After spending my junior year abroad in Hamburg, Germany, I did a two-week internship in the art department at Cosmopolitan Magazine in London. Here I picked up many tips and tricks for working in Photoshop. After I graduated I worked for Connecticut artist Karen Rossi, and by default became her webmaster of karenrossi.com. Having only slight HTML knowledge, I quickly learned web design and the program Dreamweaver. I was also able to audit a CSS and JavaScript class at Smith in my spare time.

Today I am the Graphic Designer at the Maine Support Network. My technical job description is that I "make things pretty," and my day is full of creating logos, posters, websites, brochures, programs, ads, etc. I also run a small web design and development company Design Initiatives in my spare time which offers hosting, domain name registration and web development. I am an avid digital photographer and also enjoy teaching Photoshop and Web Design classes. You can read more about my love of design on my blog Vivid Orchid and see some of my photography at Cellar Door Creations.

Recently I was awarded the $1,000 prize for winning a poster contest put on by the Western Mountains Alliance and the Maine Alternative Agriculture Association with the help of a grant from the Kellogg foundation. They put on the contest to find a logo for their from the farm to the table campaign with the slogan, "Eat Smart, Eat Local, Support Our Farmers." Ask me how I used Photoshop to create this piece...

I hope that you enjoy my Photoshop class, and go home not only inspired to begin creating digital works of art, but also with a whole new set of tools in your Photoshop toolbox!


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